Reading the ebus…

 Apr., 22 - 2014   Smarthome

As mentioned before I want to connect my qnap with my Vaillant Calormatic heating system. I’m using this device in order to read the ebus traffic via USB.

I had to get a new cable from my basement office to the heating room, which was more complicated than I expected (I guess that is always true when it comes to cables at home…) but the good news is that everything is now connected and running.

The ebusd is able to read the ebus. Now I’m struggling with the vendor specific commands which are -of course- undocumented. I called Vaillant and their official reply was: We decided to keep our commands as a secret. Well, at least it was an honest answer. I hope they’ll learn that this is not the right direction, but in the meantime I need to get this up + running.

So I’m still trying to decode the specific calormatic commands in case of any progress (or resignation) I’ll let you know 😉

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