The machines have taken over!

 März, 05 - 2015   miscSmarthome

Well. At least the first heating circuit in my house. It is now controlled via homematic. And because I have an in-floor heating system, it wasn’t that simple. Here’s how it works: I’m running a homematic thermostat and a simple actor. Using the CCU I coupled the actor directly to the thermostat. I also programmed […]

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bye Qnap, welcome RaspberryPi

 Jan., 31 - 2015   Smarthome

I just migrated my OpenHab / EbusD setup from the qnap to a raspberry pi. Now, why did I do that? I had a of issues running the EbusD on the Qnap. After running firmware updates, the USB driver had changed and EbusD refused to read data from the Ebus. It was also nearly impossible […]

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openHAB <-> ebusd

 Mai, 13 - 2014   miscSmarthome

Yes! I finally got my desired setup working. I think this called a functional prototype now. So here’s what I got so far: openHAB is running on my QNAP. I needed java and I decided to get the Java 8 Embedded Edition. I downloaded the ARMv5 Linux Headless Edition. Since Java 8, you need to […]

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Reading the ebus…

 Apr., 22 - 2014   Smarthome

As mentioned before I want to connect my qnap with my Vaillant Calormatic heating system. I’m using this device in order to read the ebus traffic via USB. I had to get a new cable from my basement office to the heating room, which was more complicated than I expected (I guess that is always true when […]

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compile ebusd on qnap

 Feb., 09 - 2014   DevelopmentSmarthome

I always wanted to get a deeper insight into the heating system of our house. And today I did a few steps forward. Our heating system supports ebus which is a serial bus protocol. And here’s my plan: 1. Get an ebus to USB-converter. 2. Read the ebus-data on my qnap. 3. Graph it. Today […]

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